Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wicked Busy Summer of 2011

So we did a lot of stuff and had a lot of fun. Check it out!

Hanging out with Grammy and Poppi.

Big smile with Joseph at Colby's big 3rd Birthday!

Joseph and Vonny getting ready to hit the beach at the house at Pawleys Island, SC.

And here we all are, the continued family tradition!
McCollickanow family
at the Palmetto House.

Another happy Collicki beach baby!

Laura and Colby catching the beachy moonlight on our last night at Pawleys.

And lots of art projects in the basement, where it was nice and cool.

Of course there were lots of stroller rides to the park and around the neighborhood.

And swinging at the park!

Colby and Vonny all suited up for a boat ride on the lake at Nennie and Grumpy's in NH.

Up at the top of the tower at Blue Job Mountain. No fear!

As usual, Princess Colby reading with Nennie.

Family fun on the lake.

Laura and Colby on the beach in Sea Isle, NJ.

Whole family shot on the beach at Sea Isle.

Colby trying on hat at Valerie's Cafe in Sea Isle.

Vonny and her Nanny Team :)

Colby digging holes and sand castles with Uncle Dave
and Aunt Carrie on the beach in Sea Isle.

Colby showing Uncle Dave her "Single Ladies" dance!

Colby helping her dad cut some slabs for the kitchen project. Safety first!

More pics to come!