Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Deliriously Delighted about Desi

We just wanted to let the family know that on December 19th our little nephew Desmond (Desi) Locken Reich was born in Los Angeles, CA. This is one of those exciting events that makes us wish we held onto that private jet we got rid of back on '06. Can't wait to see you little man

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Let The X-mas Craziness Begin

This Christmas vacation was full of family and fun. The whole family had the whole week off together for the first time ever. Grammy made the beautiful candy cane dresses above.

If you were to pick a theme to this Christmas it would be dress-up. Colby scored some great dress-up clothes like the cool jester hat (above) and the pretty princess dress.

Vonny got some nice stuffed animals, including nemo. She also got these super cute jammies and the baby stella that she spent the day pushing around in her stroller.

Babies are kinda a tough read at this age, but I think that she had fun getting presents and playing with her big sister all day. The biggest hit by far for Colby was the Princess Dollies. It was really the only thing that she asked for, the rest was just her parents spoiling her as usual.

Grammy and Poppi came over to take part in the fun and see the aftermath of the presents (and of course contribute to it too). It was quite impressive.

After all the presents and an attempt at a nap, the family packed up and went over to the Stano's house to see what Santa brought them. Funny side story, a few nights before Christmas, the Stanos were over and Colby decided that she didn't want Santa to stop at her house. Something about a guy sneaking in the chimney when everyone was asleep didn't sit well with her. So said that she wanted to leave out a sign that said. "Santa, please skip our house and go to Elsa's." So at least she made sure that Santa wouldn't skip her best friend's house

We finished off the night with the arrival of Nennie and Grumpy for Chinese Food and a movie. Then it was a couple of stories and off to bed. We had to get our rest because Christmas was scheduled to happen again in a few days when the Casey-Sawickis arrived from Florida.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Vonn!!

Vonn turned the big 1! on Tuesday December 13th, 2011. We decided that the best thing to do was to bring the whole family to Red Robin so she could yell as loud as she wanted and make a big mess for someone else to clean up.

Vonn had her mommydaddy there, with her big sister Colby, Grammy, Poppi, Aunt Jen, Uncle Brandon, and her two best friends Elsa and Brighton. You can see her telling a story to Colby and Elsa above.

Did I mention you could yell as loud as you want? Well here is Vonn testing out that theory. I believe she is saying that she loves mac 'n' cheese.

Next it was time to sing happy birthday. Aunt Jen and Brighton had the best seat in the house for the fun.

Vonn and the other little ladies were the lucky ones who got cupcakes from Flavor in Bel Air, MD (winners of Cupcake Wars on the Food Network).

As you can see, the cupcakes were a big hit!!

Mom and Dad had a great time. They are so proud of their little girl. She is getting so big and will be ready to walk any day now since she is officially one.

Her birthday presents from Aunt Jen and Grammy/Poppi were a big hit too. We will tell you all about them in our next post. Oh man, gotta get that one out soon. Christmas craziness is almost here.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Santa's Little Helpers

It's the holiday season, and whoop-de-do and dickery dah and don't forget where you pahked ya cah.

So the girls love Christmas time. Mommy allowed us to go out and get the tree without her, which is a huge deal. She said we did a good job, but I think that had a lot to do with the delivery girl.

Happy Holiday Wreath

The tree is huge! Compared to Colby.

Ms. Colby and Ms. Vonn helped mommy with the lights and decorations. Everyone wanted to know what to do first... But Vonny knew.

Deck the halls with energy efficient LED lights Y'all!!

Getting started.

Doing the Christmas light twist.

Checking out the Penguin tree topper.

Putting on the finishing touches. What do you think Vonn?

Decorating the Christmas tree is AWESOME!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

No Big Events, Just Having Fun Being a Family

The last few weeks we have been doing all the normal family stuff. Going to school/work, eating, playing, sleeping. Colby has been having a lot of fun with her baby sister.

Vonn is eating up a storm. She no longer will let you feed her baby food. She wants to do it all by herself. So it is a banana, a multigrain bar, oatmeal, and milk for dinner when we get home. Then she yells at you until you give her your fingers and she walks circles around the house.

Colby has really been enjoying building houses and castles with her blocks and playing princesses. See the super cute video below.

Fall has come and you know that means... piles of leaves.

The new kitchen project is done for the most part. Just a little bit of paint left.
Colby is always ready to lend a hand.

Dress up is still a family favorite.

Colby the Princess.

Couple 'o Cowgirls

Hollywood Vonn

Oh, and we have to fit dad in here too.

Vonn has taken her first steps in the last few days. She still isn't too happy about it. She would much rather you help. We haven't been able to catch it on video yet, but we will post it as soon as we do.

We are really looking forward to the Christmas season. Nennie and Grumpy are coming down from NH. Auntie Kate, Uncle Barry, Arlo, and Ezra are coming up from Florida too. It is going to be so great to have the whole family around for a few days. We will fill you in on all the adventures after the new year.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dress Up Anyone

HEY!! Long time no see.

Well the fall brings Halloween and that is the perfect time to dress up as someone else. But just because Halloween is over, doesn't mean that dressing up is. Here are some great pictures of all the girls dressed up before, during, and after Halloween.

Happy cinco de November.

Vonny the Duck

The Halloween Princesses

Colby and Mr. Trevor Atkinson at Brighton's B-Day

More Princess fun at the Stano's

Vonn just chillin' on a Friday night. Cool as the other side of the pillow.

And last but not least is Super Martian Robot Colby.

See you again soon earthlings.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wicked Busy Summer of 2011

So we did a lot of stuff and had a lot of fun. Check it out!

Hanging out with Grammy and Poppi.

Big smile with Joseph at Colby's big 3rd Birthday!

Joseph and Vonny getting ready to hit the beach at the house at Pawleys Island, SC.

And here we all are, the continued family tradition!
McCollickanow family
at the Palmetto House.

Another happy Collicki beach baby!

Laura and Colby catching the beachy moonlight on our last night at Pawleys.

And lots of art projects in the basement, where it was nice and cool.

Of course there were lots of stroller rides to the park and around the neighborhood.

And swinging at the park!

Colby and Vonny all suited up for a boat ride on the lake at Nennie and Grumpy's in NH.

Up at the top of the tower at Blue Job Mountain. No fear!

As usual, Princess Colby reading with Nennie.

Family fun on the lake.

Laura and Colby on the beach in Sea Isle, NJ.

Whole family shot on the beach at Sea Isle.

Colby trying on hat at Valerie's Cafe in Sea Isle.

Vonny and her Nanny Team :)

Colby digging holes and sand castles with Uncle Dave
and Aunt Carrie on the beach in Sea Isle.

Colby showing Uncle Dave her "Single Ladies" dance!

Colby helping her dad cut some slabs for the kitchen project. Safety first!

More pics to come!