Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back to School

Colby here! So my mom is back to school, so apparently that means I am back to school....The kicker is, I have never been to school. So I was not entirely pleased to be shipped off somewhere strange after spending 9 luxurious weeks with my mom. The upside is that Elsa goes to my school, so that is good. Needless to say, I was not in the most smiley mood when the photo above was taken. Maybe next year's will be cheerier?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

You're On the Right Blog...

I know, this is a picture of Colby and Brighton above, but you are not on the Stano blog, you are still on the Collicki Family. Just wanted to clear that up! So Colby and I watched Brighton for a few days while the daycare situation was handled in the Stano family. Why the daycare situation, you ask? Because Aunt Jen scored a fantastic new job at Towson University and needed some help with little B! Three cheers for Jennifer--you deserve it! We had a great time with Brighton, just like we did when we watched Elsa for a bit when she was little...very little!

Congratulations Kate and Rob

Laura here again. Another wedding! I know, I know. We love wedding season and always seem to score a few invites over the summer. My cousin Kate got married on August 21st and we were so happy to help celebrate her big day with Rob. And! Special Guest Star Aunt Carrie was there to help make it even more fun, so we were able to get lots of fun family shots! And Colby was a dancing machine! And a special thank-you shout-out to Aunt Maggie for letting me borrow a lovely maternity dress!

Here is the Happy Couple during their first dance.

And the Happy Little Family.

All the pretty ladies.

A cute lady and her cute dad.

West side, get me pumped! So we had longer videos of her dancing,
but the choreography of this one is so on-point, we couldn't resist.

All the cousins!
Pictured: Matthew, Carrie, Kate, Laura and (new to the family officially!) Fuzzy.

And the world famous "Four Generations" photo!
Pictured: Great-grandma Marianne, Poppi, Laura and Colby (in generation order!).

Folkschool Reunion

I know what you're thinking, "did they spend any time at home this summer?!" The answer is kind of no. We were busy little bees on the weekend. So why not go BACK to New Hampshire for the Folkschool 30th Reunion? We couldn't resist! Between Auntie Kate with her big belly, Arlo and his muscle-run and Uncle Barry's musical talent, not to mention all the Folkschoolers running amok--we had the best time.

Here we are in Nennie's garden, picking beans and other veggies for dinner. Btw, Uncle Barry made the most delicious sauce using garden tomatoes, herbs and a sad collection of leftover veggies from unmade salads.

Here is the only pic of the kids participating in one of the few true "Folkschool" lessons: rhythm class!

A commemorative photo of the Folkschool crewmembers who were able to attend (Michelle Rock--turn your head!! And we were worried about the kids misbehaving!!).

And, an obligatory photo of cute kids in a boat! Disregard the lack of life vests--it is a staged photo!

Helping Around the House

Back to Colby stuff :)

Since I am too fat to sit in Colby's rocking chair, we needed to get a new one. All it took was taking multiple doors off hinges and then molding out of a simple doorway--no sweat.

**I understand that we have not fully addressed the fact that we are pregnant, but the opportunity has not seemed to present itself.....So here it is: we are pregnant! Due the week before Christmas! Woo-hoo! Oh, and it's a girl :) All are happy and excited.

Back to the blog: here is a video of our version of Home Improvement!

Congratulations Amy and Dave!

Laura here, and time to turn some attention to the adults in the lives of the Collicki family! Our near and dear friends Amy and Dave tied the knot on August 7th on a lovely day in Gibson Island. It was such a beautiful day and everyone looked great. And, this has to be mentioned, Mickey ended the ceremony with a rockin' rendition of Pachabel's Canon. It was a great time. Then, dinner, dancing and drinks (for some!). I danced so hard, I was sure I was going to do some damage to myself! Ok, ok--pictures!

And one of the other happy couple! I am drinking a club soda--parrrr-tay!